DC MCB (DC Mini-circuit breaker) is a device used for direct current circuit protection, usually used in solar power generation systems, wind power generation systems and other DC power systems. The DC MCB has a fast break protection function, which can quickly cut off the power when the circuit is short or overloaded, avoiding damage to electrical equipment or fire danger.
Main Technical Performance
Rated current In(A):6A,10A,16A,20A,25A,32A,40A,50A,63A
Rated working voltage:1P:DC250V;2P:DC500V;3P:DC750V;4P:DC1000V
Breaking capacity:10kA
Rated insulation voltage Ui:1000V
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp:4kV
Wiring capacity:≤25mm²
Mechanical life(Total times):20000
Electrical life(Total times):1500
Quality certificate:CCC CE TUV Certificate
Outline and Installing Dimensions
Inspection and testing
In the production process, DC MCBS are usually subjected to rigorous inspection and testing to ensure that the product meets the design specifications and has good performance. These tests typically include tests for electrical performance, durability and safety.